Untitled-design-3-1The past two years has seen SYN truly prove itself as an adaptable and agile organisation. We have risen to meet major challenges, stayed true to our values, and ensured young people always have a place to learn and express themselves.

Young people are problem-solvers, and the Board commends our staff and volunteers for creatively adapting when the world changed. Our remote broadcasting model and innovative online training services were met with enthusiasm, as we provided young people with high-quality training and the space to be heard during an intensely isolating period.

The pandemic period gave SYN’s members the opportunity to reflect on what we do well and where we want to go next. The 2022-23 Strategic Plan aims to revitalise the SYN community, grow listenership, and invest even more in our training offerings.

SYN volunteers and staff are eager to build up the collaborative and exciting culture at our RMIT studios again. We are offering a wealth of new training and personal development programs which will bring young people together, in person.

Our organisation thrives when we have a vibrant and diverse membership, and this Strategic Plan focuses on re-discovering our people, from volunteers through to audiences. We will better understand the rich life cycle of a SYN member through data-driven research, and keep members engaged, whether they are fresh sign-ups or veteran alumni.

We are investing in the longevity of our organisation by expanding on revenue streams that acknowledge traditional customer bases have changed across all industries. We will build on the fresh, inventive production services that staff created and delivered over the past two years.

Now is not the time for us to retreat to “normal”. SYN has always been an outlier, and this Strategic Plan celebrates our ability to do things differently. The Board looks forward to an exciting new future, with a refreshed and renewed SYN.

Nicolas Zoumboulis – President
Ruby Smith – General Manager

SYN Strategic Plan 22-23 18 Months

Plain English SYN Strategic Plan 22-23 18 Months

Listen to our Strategic Plan here:

Plain English SYN Strategic Plan 22-23 (18 Months) version available as a Google Document HERE.